Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Kelly Clarkson Advised to Lose Weight?

Star magazine reports that Kelly Clarkson trying to lose weight to get a boyfriend. A source says "[Kelly] feels pressure from her label, her handlers, and her friends to lose weight. She's always moaning about how she can't find a boyfriend and she blames this dry spell on her weight." Apparently Kelly was resistant to suggestions that she lose weight, but has now succumbed and is trying to lose 25 pounds.
The source claims Kelly has low self-esteem, “The way Kelly looks and feels now, Kelly isn’t going to let a man love her, [which is what she may need] to get off this negative merry-go-round.”

Apparently she likes junk food (who doesn't?)...."Sometimes she's in the studio for 14 hours and the only food she eats is fast food, potato chips, and candy bars." Star magazine says that Kelly isn't a fan of exercise.

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