Friday, May 25, 2007

Star Magazine Photoshops Kate's Abs?

The June 4th issue of Star magazine reveals the "36 Best and Worst Beach Bodies" and Kate Hudson is labelled "Worst" on the cover. Last week, candid photos of Kate's AMAZING abs surfaced on the internet, so my guess is that Star magazine's pictures have been photoshopped to make it appear like her stomach is melting.

I wonder if Kate heard about this photo being in the magazine and decided to preemptively strike by walking around with a midriff bearing sports bra?

Also on the Worst list: Kirsten Dunst, Uma Thurman.
On the Best list: Jessica Biel, Tyra Banks, Cameron Diaz, Hugh Jackman.

1 comment:

cj said...

they don't looked shopped to me, it looks like she's running and as the body is tensed every ripple shows and it looks gross. The same thing happened to nicole richie when she was photogged running on the beach last year. The photos made her look horrendous